

Recently I purchased an Android phone. As part of the activation procedure, I was asked to open a new Google account and a Gmail address.

With two Google accounts, I've decided to consolidate everything into the new one, including this blog.

From now on, this blog will continue at: translators-notes.blogspot.com. Everything else is unchanged.



Not the chocolately dessert. I'm talking about brown-banded cockroaches, disgusting critters that started appearing in my kitchen about two months ago. These are small cockroaches. The adults are a little bit over 1cm, while the babies can be smaller than a sesame.

They're very hard to catch because of their superb alertness and agility. One slight movement of your hand is all it takes to send it darting into the nearest gap, even if you're at a considerable distance. The adult males are an even bigger problem, because they can fly. I should have played more badminton.

The infestation reached a peak in May when there were so many of them that I could easily kill more than a dozen every night. On the positive side, though, it was a perfect training for hand-eye coordination.

Worse, they had expanded to the living room. Something must be done before they invade our beds.

So we turned the whole kitchen around. We dragged out the refrigerator and sanitized the space behind it. We cleaned every surface, sprayed every gap with insecticide, and poured bleach into every drainage outlet. We also mined the place with roach baits. That quickly reduced their presence to the occasional one adult or two.

And now, not a single brownie has been seen for two straight weeks.

















Silver Cross Pub, London

I was having lunch with my dad when I noticed this girl sitting by the window. The light brightened her face, which formed a beautiful contrast with the pub's dim interior. I knew I had spotted a good B&W photo opportunity.

She was sitting at the far end of the room, so I had to exhaust the digital zoom of my camera. As a result the photo is a bit blurry and grainy, but in this case I think it adds to the atmosphere.

I like how the light highlights the ends of her hair.


Saveur de France,燒鳥

今天上openrice,才知道Saveur de France已經結業,真後悔沒有多去幾次。
















Precarious Position

I haven’t written anything for a while because I’ve been very busy. Basically, my workload has doubled starting from March, but that’s another story.

I’d written about the appalling behaviour of some of my colleagues in the toilet and, understandably, people would want to avoid any contact with the toilet seat.

But that does NOT mean anyone should squat ON the toilet seat. I know someone has been doing this because I can see the footprint. Worst, people can’t aim when they assume such an awkward posture, and as a result not everything landed at where they’re supposed to land.

I’m not even sure if the toilet bowl is designed to support the full weight of an adult man. I dare not imagine what will happen if it breaks; the pieces are very, very sharp.

Whoever’s been doing this, I hope you slip and plant your foot into whatever you deposited, and sprain your ankle.


Two Months to Go

I’ve finalized the plan for my long-haul trip this year.

This one will begin with two days in Barcelona, where we’ll board the Liberty of the Seas for a five-day cruise in the Mediterranean. After that we’ll spend two days in London and 2.5 days in Paris.

This is mainly to fulfill Dad’s dream of a cruise holiday in the Mediterranean and visiting Europe. Mom refuses to come with us because the mere mention of the word “ship” makes her seasick, and she dreads long-distance flight.





英文:In order to enhance the best taste of Sushi, our counter has used the highest quality of Yue-Guang Rice



既然如此,「越光米」應該以其日語原文的拼音翻譯,即koshihikari rice。譯成普通話拼音yue-guang,有何「和味」可言?

一般老外食客,未必懂得甚麼是koshihikari rice,不過見到yue-guang,肯定不會聯想到日本米。換言之,宣傳效果盡失。


超市職員並非賣字之人,不應苛求其語文水平。英文文法不好,尚情有可原。可是把「越光米」譯成yue-guang,卻反映其common sense不足。這,才是最大問題。


Episodic Dream

Have you ever had dreams which are connected like episodes in a mini-series?

Yesterday, during my afternoon nap, I dreamed of myself being kidnapped in a shopping mall. Turned out my takers were a crime syndicate which kidnap women and sell them for prostitution. I wasn't cross-dressing in the dream, nor do I have any secret desire to do so in real life, if that's what you're thinking. The reason for my involvement was not explained at all. In fact, by the time of writing, these are all I remember about the dream.

The story continued during my slumber last night. This time, me and another male captive managed to escape. How we did this was forgotten, but eventually we were rescued by a police squad conducting a massive raid on the kidnappers' HQ. Next thing I knew, I was in the police van with several officers. The higher-ranking one, a petit woman resembling a particularly sinister-looking person I knew in university, aroused suspicion about her real identity by mispronouncing "prostitute". We were then taken back to the same mall to "reconstruct" our capture. Suddenly my "co-captive" pushed me to the floor, saying he saw someone's head shot to pieces. We hid behind the sofa of a Pacific Coffee outlet, when a not-so-bright waitress came and asked if we want anything. With great exasperation, we convinced her to leave us alone before her action exposes us. Then we moved behind a folding screen. The screen had little square holes on it, so it wasn't the perfect concealment. Hearing ominous footsteps of someone approaching, I peeked out of the small holes, and the dream ended in a cliffhanger.

It was as intense as watching an episode of 24, and was probably why I woke up this morning with a splitting headache.


Is She Gone, or Is She Mine?

The first time I heard Bee Gees’ First of May, four lines of the lyrics left a strong impression:

The apple tree that grew for you and me,
I watched the apples falling one by one.
And as I recall the moment of them all,
the day I kissed your cheek and you were gone.

I immediately pictured a scene in which a girl (because the singer was male), who’s been struggling against some terminal illness for many years, finally passes away in her lover’s embrace after one last goodbye kiss. I found "apples falling one by one” a strong hint of death.

But recently I heard another version of the lyrics. Only one word is changed but the story implied becomes very different:

The apple tree that grew for you and me,
I watched the apples falling one by one.
And as I recall the moment of them all,
the day I kissed your cheek and you were mine.

This is a much happier story, now that the lovers are finally together. Still, a darker interpretation is possible: the departure of the girl seals their relationship forever in time and, in that sense, she is truly (and forever) his. Nevertheless, this joyous interpretation is at odds with the rest of the sad lyrics which suggest they once had a happy time, but it’s all over now. Perhaps the girl didn’t die but left with another man, as hinted by the line "Someone else moved in from far away”. But it’s also possible that “someone else” refers to Death himself.

What I want to know most is which version is the original. Note that this song was released in the 1960s, when there was no central source of lyrics which everyone could refer to (i.e. the internet). It’s possible that misheard lyrics were circulated and popularised. But how could anyone confuse “gone” with “mine”, since they don’t sound similar at all? Maybe this someone subconsciously found the story too depressing and, despite having heard “gone”, remembered “mine”.

Update: An attempt to find the canonical version raised more questions than answered. I watched through several youtube footages of Bee Gee’s performance of the song and most are of the “gone” version. Note that the song was later featured in the 1971 film “Melody” and the version used in the film was also "gone”. In one movie forum, however, a poster said “mine” was the Bee Gees version and “gone” was the Sarah Brightman version.

But more interestingly, during the search I came across many more different interpretations. “The day I kissed your cheek and you were gone” can simply mean a girl running away after being kissed, perhaps out of modesty or embarassment, but not a rejection. In other words, a sweet scene of innocent puppy love. I don’t know why I had instinctively jumped to the darker interpretation of death. Also, Barry Gibb, one of the Bee Gees, had said “first of May” was the birthday of their dog Barnaby, and the song was written in its honour. Please also read t’s view from the rhyming perspective in the comments section.