
Precarious Position

I haven’t written anything for a while because I’ve been very busy. Basically, my workload has doubled starting from March, but that’s another story.

I’d written about the appalling behaviour of some of my colleagues in the toilet and, understandably, people would want to avoid any contact with the toilet seat.

But that does NOT mean anyone should squat ON the toilet seat. I know someone has been doing this because I can see the footprint. Worst, people can’t aim when they assume such an awkward posture, and as a result not everything landed at where they’re supposed to land.

I’m not even sure if the toilet bowl is designed to support the full weight of an adult man. I dare not imagine what will happen if it breaks; the pieces are very, very sharp.

Whoever’s been doing this, I hope you slip and plant your foot into whatever you deposited, and sprain your ankle.